COTW handbook

Our main project output is a handbook for professionals working to empower marginalized migrants, gathering best practices and innovative approaches to education and development of migrants and refugees. This handbook stems from the results of the initial qualitative field study research we conducted in all partner countries.

The handbook, the result of our transnational cooperation will be a useful instrument for professionals all over Europe in their work with migrants and refugees. It will contain guidance, instructions, methodology, flexible learning pathways, formal and non-formal good practices of teaching, and development of migrants.

The content of the handbook will also be put into practice and tested by educators and social workers in all partner countries to ensure its content is relevant, innovative and usable in practice. This validation will therefore allow us to get a fresh insight from testing it in the different environments of our countries and local contexts.

The content of the handbook is focused on the areas that proved to be the key areas of migrants´ development, specifically digital skills development, labor market inclusion and social engagement and inclusion.

COTW online platform

The content of the handbook will also be introduced and available in a digital environment. Therefore it will be transformed into an online interactive platform, which will allow you to create interactive features for the capacity building/training of educators, social workers and ultimately migrants themselves.

The process of creating the Platform will involve the development of the online components of the platform and users’ collaborative tools. The Platform will be used as a virtual learning environment and will help users to exchange good practices, expertise and past experiences and activities, and it will let users communicate with other learners and/or professionals.

The Platform will also be supported by a compatible Online Blog for Professionals. It addresses all social workers/professionals who deal with marginalized adult migrants to stimulate thinking, to share learning and knowledge as well as problems, doubts and everything concerning adult marginalized migrants, how to best meet their needs and how to facilitate their empowerment, resilience and skills acquisition, in the host society.

The blog section will facilitate and promote collaborative learning activities; exchange of experiences, discussion and/or problem solving on common issues of concern; and sharing of materials/tools.

Erasmus + project logo

Citizen of the World (COTW) is a project, co-funded by the Erasmus+

program of the European Union under the Key Action 2:

Strategic partnerships in the field of Adult Education.

Project Number: 2020-1-SE01-KA204-077911

​ The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.